Earlier we talked about creating a postpartum plan. Having a checklist and a plan in place is a valuable tool when you have a new baby. Sometimes though, things do not always go to plan. Babies do not have watches or calendars and they sure do not care about our to-do lists. Whether you are pregnant, have a toddler or two running around, or you know, happen to be human – we all get overwhelmed from time to time, don’t we? We look around and there is so much to do but we do not know where to start. Can you relate? I know I can. Add in a newborn and things can seem even more overwhelming.
And that stress is not good for you or for your baby. Babies are wicked smart and in tune with our emotions. The calmer we can be, they calmer they can be.
I have sat with clients at all times of the day and night when they have felt too stressed and overwhelmed, in those moments, I offer this advice: Focus on the three Ds: Do It, Delegate It, Drop It
Do it
What can you do right now that will help make things feel better?
Can you take a shower, have a cup of tea, step outside, call a friend, take a nap, etc? It is amazing what taking a short break can do for your mental health and clarity. These short breathing techniques might help
Delegate It
Now that you have taken a moment, what needs to be done or can be done by someone else?
Can your partner, friend, family member or your postpartum doula start the laundry, do the dishes, whip up a healthy snack or meal, order or run out to pick up groceries while you take that shower or have that cup of tea, go for a walk, or take a nap? I have said it before and I will say it again, you do not have to do it all. Asking for help is good and good for you
Drop It
What can you drop for now?
Is there anything on the list of ALL of the things that at first thought seemed important but can just be dropped off or put aside for now? Does it all really need to be done or does it just feel that way? Sometimes we get focused on something and seems so important but in the end, it really is not that big of a deal.
It is simple advice, but I find that it is a tool that has many clients well. Things sometimes are not as bad as they seem once we find a moment to sort things out, and well…sometimes maybe they are? But we do not have to stay stuck where we are feeling overwhelmed and alone. If you are needing some extra support, shoot us a message and we can help you find a way forward. For now, I hope the 3 Ds gives you a place to start.
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